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Person Object Model

Key: person

The Person Object Model within the profileAPI system is meticulously crafted to provide comprehensive insights into individual profiles. This model captures crucial data about employees, including both personal and professional details, to enrich understanding of their roles and contributions within the organization.

Fields Description

Here is the detailed description of each field within the Person Object Model using the standard Data Types specified earlier:

ididPerson unique identifier"9e6a55b258ef11edb8780242ac120002"
namestringThe full legal name of the individual."Wissam Tabbara"
firstNamestringThe person's first name."Wissam"
lastNamestringThe person's last name."Tabbara"
linkedInUrllinkedInUrlDirect URL to the person's LinkedIn profile."<>"
crunchbaseUrlcrunchbaseUrlDirect URL to the person's Crunchbase profile."<>"
photoUrlUrlLink to a person profile photo.“”
titlestringThe person’s current title"Software Engineer"
departmentdepartmentThe department within the company where the person is employed."Accounting"
roleroleDefines whether the person is an Individual Contributor or a Manager."Manager"
senioritystringDescribes the level of seniority of the person within the company."C-Level+"
unitedStatesStateCodeunitedStatesStateCodeThe U.S. state code where the person is located, if applicable."CA"
countryCodecountryCodeThe two-letter ISO country code where the person is located."US"

Example Object

"id": "9e6a55b258ef11edb8780242ac120002",
"name": "Wissam Tabbara",
"firstName": "Wissam",
"lastName": "Tabbara",
"linkedInUrl": "<>",
"crunchbaseUrl": "<>",
"department": "Administration",
"role": "Manager",
"seniority": "C-Level+",
"unitedStatesStateCode": "CA",
"countryCode": "US",
"responsibilities": ["Secure Funding"],
"topicsOfInterest": ["Social Selling"]